Boston Washington New York Stamford Los Angeles Palo Alto San Diego London |
ML Strategies, LLC One Financial Center Boston, Massachusetts 02111 USA 617 348 4400 617 542 2241 fax |
Stephen P. Tocco
President and CEO
Direct dial 617-348-1692
January 25, 2007
Mr. Sam Kovnat
Chairman and CEO
Flight Safety Technologies, Inc.
28-A Cottrell Street
Mystic, CT 06355
Dear Sam:
It is with regret that, effective as of February 19, 2007, I must resign from the Flight Safety Board of Directors. Due to the challenges of ML Strategies' growth and my new role as Chairman of the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees, I am unable to put in the necessary time to serve Flight Safety as an independent director.
I will remain supportive in any way I can and wish you and the leadership team of FST a health and prosperous future.
/s/ Stephen P. Tocco
Stephen P. Tocco
President and CEO
cc: Board of Directors
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